Monday, January 26, 2015

Quizs and Sef Evaluations

Starting a small business as well as my own business is going to be challenging. What I learned is while serving as a manager in the retail sector for the pas 25 plus year is that I have developed a awful of a lot skills necessary to run a small business. Although I don’t plan to hire any employees, I have developed the skills to me a leader. To train and motivate others to get the job done. I know that there are areas that I need to work on. For instance, I have never been to a seminar or running a small business. I have never ran a small business and had to depend on my business to pay the bills and support my family.

However the similarities between being a manager of a retail business are quite the same. Customer contact, making phone calls, planning your day as well as driving the business are skills I feel as though I have to be successful.

Where I lack is in the self-discipline category.  I know that I’m it’s going to take some planning and sacrifices with my spending habits. I need to also be more organized when it comes to record keeping.

Also setting prices and sticking to a schedule and routine are going to be one of my biggest challenges that I have to face. As much as I like competition, I hate that there is competition. I’ve really got to get over that!

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