Monday, February 2, 2015

Next Steps

Cons around being a Pro Photographer, the list is long. But I'd say the most prevalent ones is the risk involved in being an  entrepreneur. everything falled back on you. What happens if you loose all of your equipment? You let the client down? You run the risk of failing. Where are you going to run your business from?
There is plenty of competition. your expenses can be costly as well.
But I think the Pros out weigh the cons.
  1. Creativity factor. Love it!
  2. working for myself. (A dream come true)
  3. Being in a business that you love you can't beat it!
  4. Defining and being in charge of your own destiny

Next Steps
I really am inspired by Aaron Nace images. He inspires me to create after the image is taken.
I've been connecting with friends and family which is where most of my business has come from. I'm using those contacts to branch out further to reach clients that are not necessarily in my circle.
I believe that I have a thorough grasp on the pros and cons of being a Pro Photographer and running my own business.
I spend a lot of time on line researching and learning different lighting and techniques. You tube is one of my best friends since I learn best by watching.
My niche is tapping in to an un tapped market such as students in lower income or outside the norm educational background.
 I have not tried to get and internship or part time job with a photographer because I don't have the desire to do so. Not that I feel over confident in my abilities, I'm constructed to do it my self and succeeded!

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